Rajarshee Roy's Job Requirements

Software Developer Job Required

Name: Rajarshee Roy
Job Title: Software Developer
Expected Salary: ₹20000 per month
Job Mode: Full-Time
Skills: Problem Solving, Web Development
Industry: Accounting
Experience: 0 Years
Job Search Reward:₹100
WhatsApp Number:
Phone Number: 9883181334
View Profile: View Rajarshee Roy's Profile
I am actively seeking a challenging and dynamic position in the tech industry, preferably within an IT company, where I can leverage my skills as a software developer to create innovative solutions that drive business growth and success. I am eager to collaborate with talented teams, tackle complex problems, and continuously learn and grow in a supportive and inclusive work environment. My ultimate goal is to contribute meaningfully to the advancement of technology and make a positive impact on the company and its clients.

As for me:-
My name is Rajarshee Roy, I am currently studying at KIIT University (4th year) and I have worked in the field of web development.

Technical Skills:- HTML, CSS,Javascript, React-js, Express-js, Node-js, MongoDB.

I have build several projects on MERN stack and also I solved more than 200+ questions on Leetcode.
Looking forward for your response

I have also attached my resume.