Our Founder, CEO identified the need of a better valuation method for startup in the present time. In the year 2020, the old methods of startup valuations are not much suitable, therefore he propounded a new method of valuation called Fairshare Startup Valuation.

  1. The valuation is based upon the 10th method of valuation propounded by Shishir Gupta in the book to be published worldwide by the name of – Startup Easy: Part II – Fundraising.
  2. For the purpose of fair valuation, the following 26 factors are considered:
    1. Patent/Trademarks
    2. Experience & Profile of Founders + Team
    3. Scalability
    4. Disruption
    5. Market Size
    6. Competitors
    7. Market Growth
    8. Revenue Projections
    9. Past Revenue
    10. Profitability
    11. Current & Expected Profit
    12. Risk Factors
    13. Profitability Expectations
    14. Sales and Distribution Channels
    15. Economies of Scale
    16. Backward & Forward Integration Opportunities
    17. Research & Development
    18. Brand Acceptability
    19. Social Media Reviews, Ratings & Comments
    20. E-Commerce Platform Reviews & Ratings
    21. Brand Popularity on Social Media, Search Engines, Web Stats & Rankings
    22. Customer LTV, CAC & CAC:LTV Peer Comparison
    23. Customer Retention and References, Repeat Orders & Returns Ratios
    24. Management’s Capability & Intention to Innovate
    25. Current Assets & Fixed Assets
    26. All Liabilities & Contingency Provisions