“Every day is exciting if you love your work and it never stops” – Rajul Garg

He is an entrepreneur turned angel investor turned venture investor over the last 20 years. He co-founded Pine Labs, GlobalLogic and Sunstone Education as an entrepreneur. As an investor, he has invested in over 40 companies – some of these are Messho, Shuttl, 1mg, Cygnus Hospitals, Bulbul and others.

What inspired you to join the above company or this sector?

I became an entrepreneur right after college and over years turned full-time investor. I felt as an investor, I enjoy getting associated with exciting new companies and I felt as an investor, I can broaden my portfolio.

What is your life mantra?

Stay in the present.

What was the most challenging part of your journey till now?

Entrepreneurship is generally hard and each company goes through several challenges. Many of the companies I have been associated with have gone through near-death experiences. These are challenging to get through, but you always learn from them in hindsight.

Share one habit that you think makes you more productive?

I am generally disciplined and put everything on my calendar.

Share one habit that you wish to change in yourself?

I am trying to be more consistent with healthy food and exercise.

Answer in one line.

If you get a chance to start your career again what would you do differently this time?

I would stick a little longer with companies that were succeeding– I exited too early from some companies.

Share a quote that inspires you the most

You can get busy living or you can get busy dying.

What makes you excited about Mondays?

I love my work and it never stops. All the days are exciting.

According to you how self -worth and happiness important in a job?

Self-worth is an important crucial building block of life and a job is just one part of life. It’s much more productive to be happily doping whatever you are doing.

Describe some difficult leadership situations and how you managed people through them.

Downsizing in companies always poses leadership challenges. Being authentic and empathetic is a good way to manage people through it.

What’s your opinion about StartupLanes

We need a broader and deeper presence of organized entrepreneurship in our country, other than just the Tier-I colleges and cities. StartupLanes is an important initiative for that.