An ASK ME ANYTHING Session with Shishir Gupta, Founder, and CEO of StartupLanes.
Who is the expert?
Shishir Gupta is the Founder & CEO of StartupLanes. He has more than 20 years of business experience in different domains as an Entrepreneur and Investor.
He is an international consultant for Venture Capital & Startups having Global rank of 4 by Clarity.fm, the leading platform for Startups and Venture Capital Consulting.
He is a techie with an inventor mindset. He has been innovating, developing software applications since early 1997.
He has been investing in startups as an Angel Investor since 2015. He started investing when he participated in CNBC Young Turks TiE the Knot as an Angel Investor. He has personally invested in many startups and has raised more than 300 crores (US $38 million) for 125 Startups through the Angel Network of StartupLanes and $29 millions in 9 startups from the Venture Capital for the Investment Banking Clients of StartupLanes. He has advised 1000+ Founders all across the World with 100% satisfactory feedback. We have many video testimonials recorded by the Entrepreneurs vouching for the advisory by Shishir.
He is the author of Bestselling book Startup Easy that became No. 1 seller in 17 Countries. Under his leadership StartupLanes became No. 1 fastest growing startup in the World, in the year 2021. It was rated by the US based Growjo.
He is an MBA in Finance, Lawyer & Bachelor of Commerce. His business book is an international bestseller that attained No.1 ranking in Amazon US, UK and India in 2019.
Shishir has been rated 5 stars for venture capital, startup, and legal consulting at the Clarity.fm platform. Below is an original screenshot depicting few of the testimonials by the International Clients.

Who can join?
Everybody who wishes to ask questions about Pitch Deck, Funding, Angel Investment, Venture Capital, Traction, Team, etc.
You may be a student, entrepreneur, homemaker, freelancer, full-time employee, or just an enthusiast, you are most welcome to join the meeting.
What are the benefits of joining ask me anything session?
Shishir is a globally ranked international consultant, you are getting an hour of a free consultation which is worth $300 per hour at clarity.fm/shishirmba, this session is worth it. Moreover, there are other benefits like:
- Idea Validation: You can validate your idea by asking in the meeting, however, make sure you don’t share any confidential details in a public meeting.
- Pitch Deck Advice: The pitch deck is complicated and complex in its making, you can ask any question about the pitch deck design and development.
- Traction & Scaling Up: You can ask questions about the go-to-market, traction, and scaling up of your startup.
- Funding: Ask any question about the funding of your startup.
- Legal: You can ask questions about the legal framework related to your startup.
- Registration & Compliance: You may ask about company registration and compliances too.
- Career: You can ask about the career prospects in a startup.
This is a completely free session, don’t miss this opportunity.
When is the session?
Startup Tuesday is an event that is organized once in a month on Tuesday at 11 am India Time, for 1 hour. You should pre-register for the zoom meeting at least a day before the event to avoid the last-minute rush.
Please be available exactly on time for the session.
What are the rules of the meeting?
We have created few rules for the benefit of everyone who joins the meeting, please have a look:
- The rights to admission is on the basis of first-come-first-serve basis. As the meeting is only for one hour, we have limited the number of participants to 100 max.
- In case you aren’t able to join the meeting due to max limit hit, you may try again in between the meeting, as few people leave in between, you may take their place.
- Please subscribe to StartupLanes YouTube Channel for viewing the session online. We will take questions from the YouTube viewers as well in case the limit of zoom meeting is hit. You can also watch the previous sessions on YouTube.
- Kindly raise your hand for asking the question, our meeting managers will give you an opportunity to ask the question.
- It is mandatory to keep your video camera on throughout the meeting.
- Please be on mute, only unmute while you get the opportunity to ask the question as per your turn.
How to join?
Register for the Zoom Meeting Here: Yes, I will join Ask me Anything Session by Shishir Gupta.